
When dollars fall from the skies..

Markets speculate, more so, during times of low visibility and market volatility. The $1.9tr American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) has raised...
4 min read 256

Is There a Correlation Between Tax Cuts and Tax Revenues?

The other day on a Facebook thread, I was trying in vain to make the point with a group of recently...
3 min read 169

Volcker Act Gets Sacked, Corporate Giants Stand to Benefit

No surprises in that statement, the show must go on. Financial markets are incredibly complicated. While manageable by a central authority...
3 min read 292
emergency fund, finance, strong, thrive

The greatest financial lesson from the current pandemic

The lockdown due to the current health crisis has impacted everyone mentally, physically and financially. However, the financial impact from the...
3 min read 465
Buybacks and infinite supply of money

Stock buybacks and why we all pay for them.

We entered 2020 on the back of record-high debt burdens, geopolitical tensions, elections and a climate war. Not even 3 months...
4 min read 365

Using Google Search Trends to Predict Initial Jobless Claims

For several years now, my focus has been on using alternative data of many kinds to predict macroeconomic statistics. When ran...
2 min read

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